Certified Coach

Safyah Abumelha
My name is Safyah Abumelha I’m an Associate Certified Coach(ACC),a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC),and also certified in Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching(ORSC).I am passionate about supporting and empowering individuals to enable them to improve and grow with special focus on:
Coach new executives for NPO(Non Profit Organisations)management positions.
Coach individuals in relationship systems(family,friends,team work).
Coach teenagers .​
I have 14 years of experience in serving the society and communicating with people of different ages and experiences through non-profit organisations and volunteering institutions.I started my coaching journey in 2017 after close friends repeatedly mentioned that I was good in communicating with people and in making them open up and share their thoughts so why not study the science behind that and become a professional coach ...
I started with studying for the (CPCC) then after discovering that my real interest lies in relationship systems I went on to pursue the (ORSC) and eventually I fulfilled the requirements to be an associate certified coach (ACC).
Another part of my story is that I am a mother of three beautiful children learning a lot from them day by day and enjoying every single moment of it!